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with the power of business connections




Our goal is to connect individuals, companies and organizations from all industries in two areas. The first of greatest importance is the multi-faceted reconstruction of Ukraine. We believe that through our activities and wide network of contacts, we can make a significant contribution, together with our partners and members of the organization, to effectively support this country.

In addition, our organization supports and connects all business entities involved in investment and construction cycles in all scopes and aspects in both Poland and Ukraine


Poland as a neighbor, ally and partner in support and business is an ideal platform to start cooperation in any industry and continue it in Ukraine or other part of Europe . PURE Hub is ready to support in many scopes and markets in Poland.



PURE Hub management and members connects general construction companies and subcontractors with deveropers and individual investors in Poland and Ukraine.

Social Housing

PURE Hub management and members supports every nonprofit organization and equity providers to arrange, organize and manage social housing platforms in Ukraine.


PURE Hub management and members support all participants and mile stones of development process in all aspects of residential market. From site acquisition through development process to exit.

Commercial Real Estate

PURE Hub management and members provides full scope of services on commercial real estate market in realtion to acquisitions, disposals and JV structurs in Poland and Ukraine.

Industrial and Wearhousing

PURE Hub management and members help to organize entire development proces starting from land acquisition throug development to exit.

Building Materials

PureHub management and members provides potential partners and clients the best deals on available high quality building and finishing materials as well as provides purchase requests from construction market to building materials suppliers.

Private Equity

PURE Hub management and members creats the platform for private eqity investors from all over the world to enter or extend their busineses in all sectors of real estate market in Poland and Ukraine.

Project Management & Development

PURE Hub will organize the entire organizational, purchasing or consulting process. Many years of experience in the organization of tenders and competitions and a wide network of contacts guarantee transparency and efficiency.


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